Screening Guests for Your Miami Vacation Rental: Dos and Don'ts

Screening Guests for Your Miami Vacation Rental: Dos and Don'ts

According to Bankrate, more than 1 in 3 Americans are prepared to go into debt to book a summer vacation. This stat demonstrates two things: first, a vacation home in Miami sounds like a moneymaker. But, you're also attracting guests who might not be the most responsible people.

Thankfully, screening guests for vacation rentals helps weed out the more problematic visitors. Interested in learning more about this critical process? This article describes a few of the key dos and don'ts in the guest screening process.

Do: Set Clear Expectations

Safe vacation hosting is all about setting clear expectations. One of the best methods to achieve this is a rental agreement. You can send one through your chosen rental platform, and require guests to sign it after booking their stay.

A clear rental agreement helps to weed out undesirable tenants. Those planning to throw a party or have undocumented guests might feel uneasy signing a formal document.

Clear House Rules

Always set clear house rules, and make sure applicants have read them. Some tenants don't book their accommodations intending to break the rules, but if they face unexpected restrictions, they may not comply.

For example, smokers will likely decide not to book if your listing clearly states your no-smoking policy, but if they discover they can't smoke on arrival, they might simply ignore the rules.

Do: Guest Background Checks

Guest background checks are your best defense against unruly renters. Generally, people don't choose to trash rental property out of nowhere - it's part of a sustained pattern of behavior. Thankfully, this conduct usually leads to a criminal record, meaning you can use rental screening methods to check potential guests' criminal history.

Don't: Allow Last Minute Bookings

According to Peek Pro, travelers are increasingly doing last minute vacation bookings. Such bookings are convenient because they save you from having a vacant property, but unfortunately, they're riskier.

Properly vetting a guest takes time, and the most prolific troublemakers know this. They'll book accommodations as late as possible, hoping the owners won't have time to uncover their criminal record. Always thoroughly vet these late bookings before confirming.

Don't: Blindly Trust Reviews

Online rental platforms are great for vacation rentals, but don't blindly trust reviews. Reviews are a useful vacation rental security tool, as you can check references from previous hosts. If someone has a long track record of respectful stays, they're probably trustworthy.

But, like Krebs on Security says, you shouldn't believe everything you see online. It's possible the applicant:

  • Has fabricated positive reviews
  • Has stolen account credentials
  • Is simply a new user without many reviews yet

So, when screening guests for vacation rentals, always check the reviews, but never use them as your sole source of evidence.


People around the world know Miami is a great place to party, so your vacation property listing could attract some wild applicants. You can't afford to miss any red flags. Here at PMI Sunshine State, we can help you with screening guests for vacation rentals by offering comprehensive property management services.

Our knowledge of the Miami real estate market is unrivaled, and we have extensive experience doing deep background checks. With our help, you'll enjoy optimal investment returns while renting to only the most trustworthy guests. Contact us today, and let's discuss your property management needs.
